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2014: Mei Heng Group - Unleashing the Power of Multi-Industry Innovation

In 2014, Mei Heng Group burst onto the scene as a dynamic multi-industry corporation. With a vision for excellence and a hunger for innovation, we set out to revolutionize various sectors and make a lasting impact in the business world.

2015: Xi'an Laidexun Information Technology Co., Ltd. - Pioneering the Future of Technology Services

In 2015, Xi'an Laidexun Information Technology Co., Ltd. emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of electromechanical security equipment, municipal engineering, road and bridge engineering, weak current system engineering, and intelligent building engineering. We embraced the power of technology to deliver cutting-edge services and shape the cities of tomorrow.

2017: Shanxiang Education School - Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures

In 2017, we made a significant investment in the education and training industry, culminating in the establishment of Shanxiang Education School. We dedicated ourselves to providing a transformative learning experience that nurtures young minds and equips them for a future full of endless possibilities.

2020: Unleashing the Potential of Online Education

2020 witnessed the birth of our online school service platform, catering to university students seeking a flexible and enriching learning environment. With state-of-the-art technology and a commitment to educational excellence, we empowered students to unlock their full potential and embrace a new era of virtual education.

2021: Mei Heng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. - Building Dreams, Shaping Landscapes

In 2021, we expanded our horizons into the realm of construction with the establishment of Mei Heng Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. With an unwavering dedication to quality craftsmanship and architectural innovation, we embarked on a journey to shape skylines, build dreams, and create awe-inspiring spaces.

2022: Mei Heng Shared Center - Where Collaboration Meets Excellence

In 2022, the Mei Heng Shared Center brand emerged, promising a realm of high-quality shared and business services. We provided a platform where collaboration thrived, ideas were nurtured, and success was cultivated. Together, we ventured into new frontiers, armed with the belief that collective brilliance can transcend boundaries.

2023: Mei Heng International New Energy Department - Energizing a Sustainable Future

In 2023, we took a significant step toward a greener and more sustainable future with the establishment of the Mei Heng International New Energy Department. Guided by our passion for renewable energy, we delved into the world of new energy products, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow powered by clean and efficient solutions.

At Mei Heng Group, we don't just strive for success; we empower our clients to achieve it. By providing exceptional services, fostering collaborations, and embracing innovation, we aim to establish a strong business presence for all our clients and lead the way into a future defined by boundless possibilities. Together, let's unlock the true potential of every industry and create a world where innovation knows no limits.

Mei Heng Group Renewable Energy

Mobile:+86 19991935856



Address:T6-2804 Lai An Center, Xi'an City, 710000, Shaanxi, China